Monday, March 9, 2009

3.9.09 - Video Postcards

As we discussed, we are starting on something very exciting in the creation of video postcards.

The info:

SYR Fim Festival

Theme: family

Music: original or not copy write

5 min or under

Student Driven

April 1 – due date

Once done shown at the Film Festival at the Festival at the MOST on May 2nd.

So let's get going on our theme. What did you find out about family?


  1. me and sarah found this defintition IN A BOOK! we like it..

    family is the basic unit of social organization in all human societies. since pre historic times, familes have served as the primary institution responsible for raising children, providing people with food and shelter, and satisfying peoples need for love and support. the term family generally refers to a group of people related to one another by birth, marriage, or addoption.

  2. We Went Around Collecting Definitions Of What It Means To Be A Family, And Here They Are!

    "Caring, Loving, Helpful, always there."

    "People surrounding you, feeling happy, and safe. Company, caring, and loving."

    "Live with you."

    "Some one you love, and loves you, no matter what."

    "Love, Happiness, someone you can always turn to, and sometimes anger."

    "Two people who get stuck with kids."


    "Love, Happy Being Together."

    "Doesn't Have To Be People Who Are Related."

    "People who live and function well together."

    "Close relationship and loving bond."

    ~Roni, Emma, And Aoife

  3. A family is...
    "People who live together and love eachother."
    "Someone you can always talk to."
    "Everyone loving eachother, even with conflicts."
    "A bunch of people who are somewhat related and see eachother, and do fun stuff."
    "Someone who is always there for you."
    "People who care."
    "Love, happiness, etc, etc"
    "People who are married and live together."
    "Blood related people."
    "A tight knit group characterized by...something"

  4. i still have a family...and its MPH
