Monday, March 2, 2009

3.3.09 - Today's class assignment and work

How about that assembly yesterday? Did Olga leave an impression on you? This lesson is intended to give you some more of what Olga was saying, and it's also an opportunity to compare images of women in historical advertisements with those of today.

Let's start.

1. Watch this clip:
2. Then, working in small groups, research images of women in advertising, both historically and currently. Each group should attend to the following questions:

What roles do woman playing in the ads?
What can one conclude about the daily lives of woman in the ads?
What can one conclude about the state of mind of women in the ads?
What can one conclude about society’s views of women from the ads?
What can one conclude about the value placed on women from the ads?
Have society’s values and views about women changed much over the years?
What other questions can be raised about the images of women in advertising?
Have students keep careful notes of their observations and discussions.

Use this link to start your research:

3. When the research is complete, post your answers as a comment and come back to discuss your findings. What conclusions can you draw from your research? What does contemporary pop culture, as expressed in advertisements, have to say about women? What other examples can you give? (e.g., from music, movies, television, etc.)


  1. 1. They play skinny "perfect"girls
    2. That they dont eat alot and wear a lot of make up
    3. Insecure
    4. That they do not have much value
    5. Somewhat
    6. How healthy they are.

  2. p.s. hercules is uh-mazinggly hott<3

  3. Ciara & Emma say..

    1. The woman in the ads potray the perfect.. beautiful skinny girls.
    2. From theses ads one can conclude that they dont do much except make them selves look pretty and available to men.
    3. The woman in the ads think about shopping and being with guys and being pretty.
    4. You can conclude that the woman in the ads are supposed to have sex apeal to the men and to make themselves pretty and nothing else.
    5. You can conclude that the woman do not care about the intelectual value in these ads.
    6. Over the years the woman in the ads use their bodys more in vulgar images. It has become more like this over the years.
    7. Other questions that can be raised is why is it so important for them to be perfect and why do they potray girls who are skinny and shop and not doing anything intelectual.

  4. Women usually play the role of the house maker, childcare, and being the un-employed. Daily life of a woman: Wake up, feed children, put on makeup, go shopping, clean the house, care for the husband when he gets home, go to sleep, do it over the next day. The women in the ads always seem to be happy even though they seem incredibly stupid. They seem like the image of beauty for their time. Society is depicting women in the ads as un-intelligent housewives, and loyal to their husband and family. Women are not valued in the ads. In the present day, women are not as openly de-humanized but they are severely dehumanized “between the lines.” Rappers severely dehumanize women in music.

    ~Jasmin, Aoife, and.....Will
